The Creative
The Ultimate Guide to the 4 Traits that All Successful Brands Possess
What makes a successful brand? Some might say it's luck; others might say it's a well-oiled marketing machine. In this article, I'll show you how to apply those traits to your business.
You won't want to miss this!
Why Your Brand Identity Matters More Than What You Think
Your brand identity is more than just a logo or a slogan. It's the way people see you and their experience when interacting with your company. This blog will explain why your brand identity matters more than you think and how to make sure it's sending the right message to your customers.
The 5 Biggest Challenges of Starting a Business and How to Overcome Them
Starting your own business can be challenging. But with the right attitude and approach, you can overcome any challenge that comes your way. In this article, I'll share the five most significant challenges of starting a business and how you can overcome them!
The One Habit to Change in Your Business to Start Seeing Success
Are you struggling to find success in your business? Maybe it's time to change one simple habit. In this video, I share the one habit you need to change to see success. Watch now and start making changes today!
The Importance of Impact Evaluation and How to Get Started
Are you looking to make a difference in the world?
Impact evaluation is one of the most important tools to assess our effectiveness and learn what works. Check this article to find out more about impact evaluation and how to get started!
Why You Should Make Impact the Top Priority in Your Business
Making an impact is one of the most significant things you can do in your business. When you make a difference in the lives of others, not only do they appreciate it, but you also create a ripple effect that touches even more people. Don’t hesitate and open this blog. I'll share three reasons why impact should be your top priority.
The Ultimate Guide to the Best Storytelling Examples in Business
You don't have to be a great storyteller to be successful in business, but it sure does help. Check out these amazing storytelling examples from some of the world's top businesses and learn how to apply their tactics to your own endeavors.
How to Create a Content Strategy Framework: A How-To Guide
Like most business owners, you know that content marketing is essential. But what many don't realize is that simply creating content isn't enough.
How to Repurpose Content and Make It Work For Your Business
You're probably wondering how you can take all that content you’ve created and make it work for your business. In this post, I will show you the most effective ways to repurpose your content and get the most out of it.
Content Creation Ideas 2022 - The Beginners Guide to Boosting Your Content Strategy
In this blog entry, I'm going to break down the process of content marketing for emerging businesses and share some tips to help you think about your strategy. Click here and learn more!
How to keep your team motivated while working remotely
As a content creator or content manager, you may find yourself working remotely from time to time. Here is how to keep your team motivated and productive when you can't be in the same physical space as them.
Leading In Chaos – Important Ways To Guide Your Team In Times Of Chaos And Succeed
If you're a manager, you know that chaos management is an essential part of the job. But what exactly is managing in chaos, and why is it so important? Read on to learn more!
Content Marketing: The Digital Revolution | What You Need To Know
Content Marketing is a Digital Revolution; Learn how to use content marketing for your business. You'll learn about the benefits of engaging with customers, as well as tips on where you can find inspiration and information about topics that are trending in these days' digital revolution.
Developing a Content Marketing Strategy
Want to learn how to create a successful content marketing strategy? Take this step-by-step guide. You'll have the tools you need in order to implement your own, personalized strategy that is right for your business and will help grow it! This blog has all of the information you'll need to boost your business.
The Best Content Creation Strategies to Supercharge Your Content Marketing Strategy
You don't need to worry, you just need the Impact Brand. The most effective content creation strategy for your business is having an impactful brand and creating great content with it. This article shares how to create content that drives revenue. Read it now!
The Guide To Structuring Your Content Team For Impact
The Impact Brand is here with their blog post about how to build the perfect content team structure. It's a critical decision for any company, and they tell you exactly what it takes in this article.
Read more on our blog now!
The Future of Content Marketing is Predictable & Hype-Free
It's not all hype.
The future of content marketing is predictable and hype-free! So don't waste your time trying to stay up on the latest trends or get ahead of the curve - it doesn't exist. Instead, focus on developing a plan that works for you and your business goals. How? Let's predict the future.
Mission-Driven Content: The Impact of Online Users
The internet has increased the number of users that are emotionally invested in what they read. And this is a good thing for you because it means more people will care about your content and share it with their friends! This article reviews how mission-driven content can help you make online users feel like part of the family.
What do you intend behind your brand message?
You may be wondering what message you should put out to the world. You may have a strong idea of who your audience is and what they want, but as marketers, we're always tasked with understanding how our brand speaks to them. In this article, I’ll help you understand how to answer one simple question: “What do you intend behind your brand message?”
How quality content helps the business goals
At the end of the day, it's not about generating leads. It's about making an impact in people's lives and that starts with quality content. Check out this article to learn how we use our content strategy to help you achieve your goals!