How To Make An Idea Successful Through The Support And Engagement Of Others
Ideas are a dime a dozen. But ideas without the support and engagement of others, well they're just that - ideas. In this article I share how to make your idea successful through the words you use and the actions you take with those around you!
18 years ago I developed a theory called the Whirlpool Theory, and I use it in many situations, covering many aspects of life, and it all starts back in my soon to be wife’s friend's pool. The story goes that my wife, her friend, and myself were in a small circular pool, and her friend decided to start a whirlpool. Now, whirlpools are fun, but it requires a certain amount of force to get one going. Everyone in the pool must be involved for it to develop. In a small pool as we were on that day, if one decided that they did not want to put forth the effort to create the whirlpool, it probably would not work. Of course, we all thought it was a fun idea, and we decided to start one, and it was fun!
Now, whirlpools are started every day in the summer, nothing too out of the ordinary, but then I began to think. What would happen if I started toward the center of the pool in the middle of the process, or go in the opposite direction? I may slow down, or even disrupt the whole of the whirlpool.
Now, at that time I was working on a project involving teamwork, and that particular day came to mind. The whirlpool theory starts off as an idea. You need someone to support the idea, and then you need the final support of the group itself. That final group could be the rest of the employees, or customers, or any outside factor to the original two.
Ideas need that one push or support to get going. Once you get an agreement that the idea is excellent, then you need the rest of the whole to go along. Now if you have enough people agree that the concept is great, then any single resistance will just get sucked into the whirlpool and will follow the cycle whether they like it or not.
The key to the theory at the time was to follow the course of making an idea or a course of action victorious through the support and engagement of others. It is possible to create a whirlpool by yourself; however, it would be a difficult task.
Now, what happens when the owner of the pool says we are not doing this anymore? Now you still have people in the pool that like it, but it is not their pool. They could act defiant and continue to move forward, which the owner could only by force stop them, which is not a likely case. Ultimately, they will just have to cease from the action, and the momentum will no longer be there.
In life, you have certain things that have to happen a certain way for it to work successfully. Unfortunately, the majority of the population has someone in charge of them, which could disrupt that momentum. This situation can become very complicated. It depends on how important the course of action is. A silly whirlpool is not important, but if it is a course of action that is critical to your livelihood, then it becomes a viable challenge.
You then need to focus on the delay of momentum derived from the one in control of the idea. The only way to solve such issues is through communication or the complete elimination of the problem. The only way to eliminate the challenge is to put yourself in a better position. Now, this all goes back to planning. When designing your career strategy, you work on putting yourself in the best possible position. The task at hand becomes the need to work towards placing yourself in an environment where you can efficiently follow the current of the whirlpool or create the whirlpool altogether. It is kind of like plunging into a system.
On the issue of communicating with the obstacle, this may be the course of action you wish to take. You may like where you are, but that one factor is holding you back. Always work out the problem. Just like the customer who wishes to shop somewhere else still may encounter a particular company they do not support their principle ideas. The third party of that whirlpool can make their own decisions.
In conclusion, remember that you have a to decide what direction you wish to move. You may not want to get out of the pool. Sometimes you need to get into another pool. Either way, do not let the decision linger. Decide, and take action to which current you belong. Just focus on keeping momentum, and move in a positive direction. Whirlpools are fun; momentum is fun, just make sure you never let anyone stop the fun in your life, and ideas are fun.
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