How Can You Show That You Really Care About Your Customers?
I wrote this article because I grew up in a sales first era, and communicating value while demonstrating that you care for your customers requires us to shift from the old ideas about marketing.
Do you really care about your customers?
If you think yes, ask yourself if you are you spending more time trying to figure out what to sell them, or how you can help them?
It is often said that the best salesperson or marketer in the world can sell ice to an Eskimo. This is implying that you are so great at sales and marketing that you can sell something that they have no need for, which is ultimately implying that you are a very talented marketer or salesperson because you can accomplish that.
Now, why would you want to imply that about your customers, even behind closed doors? Are you implying that your customers are stupid? Why would you spend any effort on trying to push your customers on a product or idea they don’t need or want?
If you truly care about your customers, you will provide solutions...not stuff. How can you show that you care about your customers?
The first thing you can do is learn more about your customers. Know your target audience. Really get to know who you are reaching out after.
For instance, although it has become common to refer to the Inuit as Eskimos, this is not their preferred name, nor does it have anything to do with their cultural heritage. They actually consider it a racial slur. So addressing them properly would be the first step.
Secondly, focus on providing solutions, and not things to sell.
What are some of challenges facing the Inuit people?
The ice is melting at a more rapid rate and is affecting the sea ice, which is dramatically changing their number one industry, Hunting. In addition to a growing number of outsiders who will further transform their once-isolated homeland. They also face a large fluctuation in their job market because of the change of Arctic ice.
When you consider just a fraction of the challenges facing the Inuit people, saying that you can sell ice to an Eskimo, suddenly likens to you bragging that you can sell a life raft to a drowning child.
Now, this serves only as an example of why having the proper viewpoint is very important.
What challenges are facing your customers, or community? How can you understand them better? It is important to change the perspective of what you are actually trying to accomplish to be truly effective in the long run. If your objective is to sell ice or “product”, then you are not really reaching and understanding your target audience. If you focus on solutions and truly care about your customers, then you will have much more success. But then again, what is success? What is your endgame? Is it massive wealth? Or is it to make a difference? Which course is more sustainable?
History books are filled with those that made a difference and provided solutions to some of life’s big problems. Not those that sold them their hat. History books are also filled with those that tried to “sell” ideas and things that people did not need, nor did they want. It usually ended badly.
So ask yourself. Do you care about your customers? How will you show it?
Try this…
I am such a good marketer or salesperson that I can provide (enter solution) for my customers and community.
Do you believe it?
Will they believe it?
That last question is really the only one that matters.
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